On December 31, 2021, DIT4TraM published its first two deliverables. The reports are public and available on our Downloads page.

The first deliverable is a report called ‘State of the art of incentive mechanisms for system optimal behaviour.’ This document discusses the possibilities of incentive-based traffic management for local bottlenecks. The purpose is to provide the theoretical basis for cooperative connected traffic management, one of DIT4TraM’s main applications. The report also helps to develop the algorithms for the Bordeaux pilot.
The other deliverable is about decentralized demand management, another DIT4TraM application. This report, ‘Tradable mobility credits and permits: state of the art and concepts’, gives an overview of the literature on tradable credit and permit schemes. The investigators identify some gaps, both in terms of policies and traffic and demand representations. In conclusion, they derive some promising research directions for the remaining of the DIT4TraM project.