To test and develop all new DIT4TraM knowledge and insights in practice, we are organizing six pilots in four EU countries. With these pilots we are testing the gains to be achieved for traffic flow, safety and liveability and looking at the effects on reliability and resilience.

Bordeaux, France
Real-time auctioning for prioritizing traffic at intersections
Bordeaux is testing a new scheme for intersections with intelligent signal control, where (connected) road users negotiate priority. The two main test cases are: priority for cyclists and priority for shared car users. We will focus on more complex processes where multiple vehicles with different priority levels request priority within the same signal cycle.

Utrecht, the Netherlands
Distributed regional traffic management
The city of Utrecht was one of the first cities to experiment with multimodal and multi-objective regional traffic management on a large scale. In this DIT4TraM pilot, we test a distributed form of this regional approach. At least eight traffic control installations and three ramp metering installations will coordinate traffic management ‘locally’.

Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Resilient mobility management through cooperation
This pilot takes the form of a massively multiplayer simulation game: human decisions are combined with a dynamic simulation to determine the consequences of decisions for multimodal transport networks. The pilot revolves around the cooperation between travelers (auctioning mobility permits) and between providers (harmonizing private and public objectives).

Glyfada, Greece
Optimized on-demand services for complex urban settings
Glyfada wants to strengthen its public transport network with flexible, demand-driven mobility services. The idea is that the different services will work together and not compete. To this end, the city will lean on concepts and algorithms developed in DIT4TraM for passenger flow management, fleet management, and optimal vehicle allocation. The city is also deploying tradable mobility permits.

Athens, Greece
Integrated distributed management for urban mobility
A simulation is planned in Athens to test almost all the concepts and systems being developed in DIT4TraM. The intention is to integrate the modules, model-wise at least, into the Athens traffic management system. After that, we will calculate the effect of the ‘swarm intelligence ‘ on traffic flow, safety, liveability, and resilience.

Barcelona, Spain
Integrated distributed management for interurban mobility
For this project, the northeastern section of the Mediterranean AP-7 highway has been accurately modeled and equipped with a plug-in to represent the Infrastructure to Vehicle communication. We investigate what happens if the current approach of toll collection is replaced by a system of distributed traffic and mobility management, based on the DIT4TraM concepts.