On 14 June 2022, 4FRONT presented insights coming from the four projects involved: TANGENT, FRONTIER, ORCHESTRA and DIT4TraM. The webinar revolved around developing traffic and network management for the future.
The four projects are funded by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation EU Programme under the same topic, which is network and traffic management for future mobility. The name 4FRONT is used for the whole project cluster, that has been cooperating on dissemination and communication since the beginning of 2022.

The webinar represented the first common activity of the cluster, which is going to be followed by many others. By presenting a full picture of the future of traffic and network management, the webinar showed how cities will respond in the coming years on the matters of mobility and traffic.
Representants of the four projects shared important insights on tackling new technological, societal, operational, business and governance challenges and opportunities in the following years.
A deep dive in DIT4TraM
During the event, the DIT4TraM Project Coordinator Sascha Hoogendoorn-Lanser talked about the innovative nature of the ‘distributed intelligence and technology’ project. Due to the increasingly complex development of urban mobility, traditional centralised concepts for traffic management are no longer effective. This is where DIT4TraM’s decentralised approach—the swarm intelligence—kicks in, Hoogendoorn explained.
Watch the webinar: